Fergus the 4x4
Installation Instructions
9. Secure first 4x4 left and right side panels
(SSB071 & SSB072)
to deck panel
using 3mm L brackets,
tighten bolts or attach covers until assembly
is complete.
10. Offer up the vertical footwell panels (SSB076) to the front and rear, inside the
body of the 4x4 and secure using Fixing & Assembly Instructions (Figs 2,4 &
11. Offer up seat, dashboard and boot support rails and attach between the side
panels, taking care to attach the wheels and wheel arches at the same time
(See Panel Layering : Fixing & Assembly instructions - Fig 6).
bolts or attach covers until assembly is complete.
12. Secure seat, dashboard and boot panels to the support frames
13. Offer up the 4x4 front panel (together with bumper and headlights and secure
using Fixing & Assembly Instructions (Figs 2, 4 & 5).
14. When all fixings are in place, then proceed to tighten bolts, ensuring adjacent
panels are butted up to prevent finger traps.
15. Ensure all exposed hex-head bolts are capped off using the step washers
and nylon caps provided (refer to panel fixing general sheet supplied) The unit
should be secured against use by any member of the public until the concrete
is set and the appropriate depth and extent of surfacing have been installed
(please refer to surfacing plan).
16. Follow the maintenance instructions supplied at the end of this document
During installation, care must be taken to prevent hazards to children. If
you are at all unsure or have any questions, please contact the contracts
department immediately for their assistance and advice.
Rev 01
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