Surveon CAM6160/6180
Editing Accounts
In General> User Account under the User Account heading, select an
existing account by clicking on the account entry. The entry will be
highlighted in yellow. Clicking Edit will allow you to change the following
User Group - The system allows for 2 types of users.
Administrator - Administrators have full access privileges.
Operator - Operators can only access the live view page.
Password - Aar passkey used to control user access. The password
must be a combination of alphanumeric characters, “:”, “-“, “_”
between 4 and 20 characters in length, and must begin with an
alphabet letter. This password should be retyped in the Confirm
password field to ensure that the correct key is saved.
Click OK when finished to save any changes.
Only accounts that are not currently logged-in can be edited.
Deleting Accounts
In General> User Account under the User Account heading, select an
existing account by clicking on the account entry. The entry will be
highlighted in yellow. Click Remove and, when prompted to confirm
deletion, click OK to remove the account.