RTS Threshold:
The RTS Threshold sets an upper threshold at which point the device will issue an RTS packet. The
RTS (Request To Send) packet is used for the purpose of avoiding data collisions on the wireless LAN. There are
several trade offs to consider when setting this parameter. Setting this parameter to a small value causes RTS packets
to be sent more often, consuming more of the available bandwidth, therefore reducing the apparent throughput of other
network packets. However, the more often RTS packets are sent, the quicker the system can recover from interference
or collisions. Refer to the IEEE 802.11 Standard for more information on the RTS/CTS mechanism.
Fragment Threshold:
Fragment Threshold defines a threshold above, which the wireless packet will be split up, or
fragmented. For a fragmented packet, if transmission of part of it were to be interfered with, only the portion that was
successfully transmitted would need to be resent. Throughput will generally be lower for fragmented packets, since the
fixed packet overhead consumes a higher portion of the RF bandwidth.