SureCall, Inc | 1-888-365-6283 | [email protected] | www.surecall.com
SureCall, Inc | 1-888-365-6283 | [email protected] | www.surecall.com
Step 3. Install the Booster and Inside Antenna
Choose a location for the booster and inside antenna that is near a working
outlet and at least 25 Ft from the outside antenna. Consider the below factors
affecting booster performance.
1. Signal strength at the location of the outside antenna.
2. Interior building materials between the inside antenna and your mobile
3. Distance between the outside antenna and inside antenna (minimum 25 ft.
Panel Antenna
Panel Antenna
Caution: Do Not aim antennas
towards one another.
Aiming Antennas
1. Using plate, mark position of desired screw placement.
2. Screw mounting plate into place with the slide panel protruding towards you.
3. Slide antenna securely onto mounting plate. Connect antenna to one end of the SC-
240 cable and run to planned location of your booster
4. Place the booster on a flat surface or mounted to a wall and connect the remaining
end of the SC-240 cable to booster port marked INSIDE.
SureCall’s Inside panel antennas are directional with a 120˚ reach. They should be mounted facing
the area signal is needed and away from the outdoor antenna (See “Aiming Antennas”).
Mount on a vertical surface that is the approximate height of normal cell phone use. The antenna
may be concealed behind a wall provided there are no materials that could obstruct signals.
Besides the antenna itself, parts include mounting equipment for a flat horizontal surface.