SureCall, Inc | 1-888-365-6283 | [email protected] | www.surecall.com
SureCall, Inc | 1-888-365-6283 | [email protected] | www.surecall.com
Check and Optimize System, if Needed
Place a call and walk throughout your space to confirm that your phone is receiving a boosted signal.
If indoor coverage is limited, consider the following factors:
1. Signal strength at the location of the outside antenna. Coverage area is directly related to the strength of incoming signal
received by the outdoor antenna. If signal is weak where the outside antenna is installed, indoor coverage will be limited.
2. Interior building materials between the inside antenna and your mobile device.
3. Separation between the outside antenna and inside antennas (minimum 25 ft. of vertical separation).
• Separation up to 40 - 50 ft may be needed, however, especially where vertical separation is not possible.
• Inadequate separation will be indicated by the LEDs on your booster as RED/YELLOW FLASHING
• The booster gain dials should remain at maximum level and only reduced if other recommended actions do not
resolve the issue.
Consider the following options to resolve issues with inadequate antenna isolation.
1. Verify that a minimum distance of 25 vertical feet has been achieved. Separation up to 40 - 50 ft may be needed,
however, especially where vertical separation is not possible.
2. Check for sources of interference such as, cellular modems or hotspots.
3. Verify neither antenna is placed near a window.
4. Ensure that the antennas are aimed away from one another.
Keep in mind, identifying the setup that yields the best possible results for your environment will come from testing --
balancing the elimination of interference and while also receiving the best possible signal.
If you have any questions during setup, please contact our US-based support technicians:
Call: 1-888-365-6283 | Email: [email protected] | Visit: www.surecall.com/support
Signal booster has
no power
Connect the power supply to an alternate power source.
Verify that the power source is not controlled by a switch that has removed power from the outlet.
If it remains OFF, contact tech support at: 1-888-365-6283 or [email protected]
After completing
installation, indoor
signal coverage has
not improved
Verify that cable connections are tightly fitted to the booster and antennas.
Try further separating the booster and antenna.
Verify that there is usable signal where the antenna is placed.
Note: Bars are not always a reliable measure of signal. The best way to confirm signal coverage is
the ability to place and hold a call.