No communication with the central station computer on COM1
Ensure that the cable connected to COM1 is an RS232 cable; it should not be a null-modem type.
Check the baud rate for COM1 (CPM2 Configuration Option 05)
Check the COM1 communication format (CPM2 Configuration Option 06)
Check the computer software set-up
Enable COM1 Diagnostics with CPM2 Configuration Option 16 and examine the communications on the
display screen.
Bad communication with central station computer.
The central station software is too slow to provide the acknowledgement signal for the CPM2. Contact the
software manufacturer for a software upgrade.
Increase the acknowledge wait time with CPM2 Configuration Option 07.
Check COM1 baud rate and communication format using CPM2 Configuration Options 05 and 06
Ensure that the COM1 connection is secure
Fault in received data
Check the telephone line to determine if noise is a problem; if so, enable DRL2A Option 3C.
Line Fault
Check the voltage on the telephone line; it should measure as at least 4V when the receiver is on-line, and
approximately 50V when the receiver is off-line.
Check if the appropriate telephone cable is connected to the DML2A.
CPM2 displays the COM1 debugging mode and the Master Code is not valid
The CPM2 needs to be re-booted. Refer to the Cold Boot section of this manual
Faulty call
Ensure that the handshake needed by the panel is programmed in the DRL2A handshakes.
Ensure that the handshake is being sent at the proper positions (4th, 5th or 6th position)
Ensure that the security control panel does not hand up before it receives the handshake
Check the DRL2A handshake order or interval between handshakes and make any required changes
The Line Card displays “<<CPM ERROR>>” and/or alarms are not transmitted to the computer and printer
Ensure that the Line Card number is not out of the range of the CPM2 scanning
Ensure that the flat cables connected between the DML4 and the Line Cards are connected correctly; ensure
that the contact between the connectors is secure.
How to Contact Us:
For information about additional products, please call our sales number: 1-800-418-7618, or e-mail us at
[email protected].
Calling Technical Support
If you have questions of problems when using Sur-Gard products, you can call technical support. If you are within
the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands or Canada, you can get support by dialling 1-800-503-5869.
If you are outside these areas, please call (416) 665-4494 or E-mail us at [email protected].
Sur-Gard has a WWW home page. Here, you will be able to search the Sur-Gard technical information database and
read information about new products. You will also be able to send us your questions. Our World Wide Web address
is http://www.sur-gard.com.
The MLR2-DG central station receiver was designed to suit your needs. If you ever have a suggestion about the
MLR2-DG or about any one of our products, please contact us. We genuinely appreciate your comments. Write to:
Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd.
Receiver Product Manager
401 Magnetic Drive, Units #24
Downsview, Ontario, Canada
M3J 3H9