Example 4:
Output: [#1234|Nri1BA]
When set to 02 any account digit received as ‘A’ get
converted to ‘0’.
When set to 03 any account digit received as ‘A’ get
converted to ‘0’ and alarms without zone numbers will
have 00 added as the zone number.
Option [73]: Reserved
Option [74]: Equivalent Line Number - Default [00]
The equivalent line number is used with the receiver
number for sending signals to the central station soft-
ware. This option can be used if there is no DNIS number
being received by the line card.
Option [75]: Receiver Number - Default [01]
The receiver number is used for sending signals to the cen-
tral station software. Refer to the manuals for any central
station automation software being used to determine if
there are any special requirements for this number. Also,
check the numbers used for any other receivers in the sta-
tion to ensure that numbers are not duplicated.
Option [76]: Accounts 3/x to 4/x - Default [00]
Program Option [76] with one of the values listed below:
Value Function 00. If the alarm is reported in 3/1, 3/1
extended, 3/2, BFSK or 3/8 ACRON formats, a leading
space will be communicated in front of the 3-digit
Account Codes when sent to the computer.
Ex: 101001sssssssAAAsXsssY[DC4]
If the alarm is reported in 3/1, 3/1 extended, 3/2,
BFSK or 3/8 ACRON formats, a leading '0' (zero) will be
communicated in front of the 3-digit Account Codes.
Ex: 101001ssssss0AAAsXsssY[DC4]
If the alarm is reported in 3/1, 3/1 extended, 3/
2,BFSK or 3/8 ACRON formats, a leading '0' (zero) will
be communicated in front of the 3-digit Account. ‘0'
(zero) will be communicated in front of the 1-digit alarm
Ex: 101001ssssss0AAAsXss0Y[DC4]
If the alarm is reported in SIA then a leading ‘0’ (zero)
will be communicated in front of the 3-digit Account
Ex: S01001[#0AAA|Nri0/FH00]
if the alarm is reported in 3/1, 3/1 extended, 3/
2,BFSK,SIA or 3/8 ACRON formats then a leading ‘0’
(zero) will be communicated in front of the 3-digit
if the alarm is reported in 3/1, 3/1 extended, 3/
2,BFSK,SIA or 3/8 ACRON formats then a leading ‘0’
(zero) will be communicated in front of the 3-digit
Account and a ‘0’ (zero) will be communicated in front
of the 1-digit alarm code.
Option [77]: Digit Replace - Default [00]
Option 77 works in conjunction with Option A2. Option
77 is programmed with an ASCII value that will replace an
account code digit or insert a value into an account code.
Option A2 is used to replace a digit or insert a digit. To
replace a digit use 0x where x is the digit to be replaced. To
shift a digit use Option A2 and set to 8x where x is the loca-
tion in the account code.
Example 1:
Option 77 is set for 41 and Option A2 is set for 01:
Standard 4/2-format output:
Account code is 9876
The receiver will do the following. First it will replace the
first digit (Option A2=01) of the account code (in this
example "1") and replace it with the ASCII value of 41,
which is an "A".
New Output:
Example 2:
To insert a digit use 8x were x is the spot were the digit is
to be inserted.
Option 77 is set to 2D and Option A2 is set for 82:
Account code is 9876
The receiver will do the following, it will insert the ASCII
value of Option 77, in this case the ASCII value of 2D (2D
is a " - ") into position two (Option A2=82), and the
account code will shift to the left. So it will convert
account code 9876 as indicated below:
* This will not affect SIA.
Option [78]: Max Inter-digit - Default [00]
Certain old dialers may have difficulties in communicat-
ing with the DRL2000 line cards. The DRL2000 provides
a possible solution by programming this option. This
option should be left as a default and should be
changed only on the recommendation of a DSC techni-
cian. When programmed as 00, the inter-digit time is
determined by the Baud rate of the format being used;
all other values are in 100 ms. intervals. 0 determined
by Baud rate (default).
100 ms
200 ms
1000 ms
Option [79]: Max Inter-burst - Default [00]
Certain old dialers may have difficulties in communicat-
ing with the DRL2000 line cards. The DRL2000 provides
the possible solution by programming this option. This
option should be left as default and should be changed
only on the recommendation of a DSC technician. When
programmed as 00, the inter-burst has a time of 100 ms,
all other values are in 10 ms increments.
100 ms (default)
10 ms
20 ms... and so on
Option [7A]: Account Codes to Activate 2-Way
Audio - Default [00]
Option [7A] determines which account codes will be able
to activate the 2-way audio feature. Program the first dig-
its of the desired account codes in Option [7A].
For example:
To allow all account codes between 1000 and 2FFF to
activate the 2-way audio function, program Option [7A]
as '12'.
To allow all account codes between 3000 and 6FFF to
activate the 2-way audio function, program Option [7A]
as '36'.