Chapter 12 Password
Chapter 12 Password
Press MODE key
1008:Calibration mode
2008:Setting mode
If no key is be pressed and over 10 minutes then it will go back to measurement
Chapter 13 Error code
Error 01
memory error
Error 02
reading is over maximum
Error 03
reading is under minimum
Error 04
temperature is over maximum
Error 05
temperature is under minimum
Error 06
current 1 output is over 20.5 mA,the maximum is 22.00mA
Error 07
current 1 output is under 3.8 mA, the minimum is 3.5mA
Error 08
current 2 output is over 20.5 mA,the maximum is 22.00mA
Error 09
current 2 output is under 3.8 mA, the minimum is 3.5mA
Error 10
record error
Error 11
ADC damage
Error 99
default parameters lost