Chapter 4 System menu
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4.6 Automatic Cleaning
Entering the cleaning option, the user can choose to turn this function on or off. If
choosing to turn it on, enter the cleaning interval and cleaning duration (the
cleaning duration must be less than the time interval), press [ENT] to complete the
setting and return to the menu.
4.7 Communication
Enter the communication option. Since this machine uses Modbus-RTU
communication protocol, baud rate (2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200), check bit (no parity, odd parity, even parity), stop bit (1 bit, 2 bit), floating
point format (4321, 3412, 2143, 1234) and local address (1 ~ 254) can be set. For
Modbus-RTU communication protocol, please refer to Chapter 5 Communication.
(Some models do not support this option.)
4.8 Current output A
Entering current output A option, the user can choose the transmission of pH /
ORP / antimony electrode or temperature Temp, and then select the output
current from 0 ~ 20mA or 4 ~ 20mA, set its corresponding pH / ORP / antimony
electrode or temperature Temp value at 0 / 4mA and 20mA. Press [ENT] to
complete the setting and return to the menu.
4.9 Current output B
Entering the current output B option, the user can choose the transmission of pH /
ORP / antimony electrode or temperature Temp, and then choose the output
current of 0 ~ 20mA or 4 ~ 20mA, set its corresponding pH / ORP / antimony
electrode or temperature Temp value at 0/4mA and 20mA.Press [ENT] to
complete the setting and return to the menu. (Some models do not support this