Chapter 7: BIOS
Intel ME Subsystem Confi guration
This feature displays the following ME Subsystem Confi guration settings.
ME BIOS Interface Version
ME Version
iSCSI Confi guration:
This item displays iSCSI confi guration information:
iSCSI Initiation Name
This item displays the name of the iSCSI Initiator, which
is a unique name used in the world.
Add an Attempt
Delete Attempts
Commit Changes and Exit
Save the changes and exit from the page.
Discard Changes and Exit
Discard the changes and exit from the page.
Change Attempt Order
Commit Changes and Exit
Save the changes and exit from the page.
Discard Changes and Exit
Discard the changes and exit from the page.
Intel® I350 Gigabit Network Connections
: These items display the following
information on the Intel I350 LAN connections.
Port Confi guration Menu