AOC-SIM1U/SIM1U+ User's Guide
your network.
Click on the box to activate the selection menu and select
a desired item from the list. The options are None, DHCP, and BOODP.
Enter a Preferred Host Name in the box.
6. IP Address:
Enter the IP Address for the remote host in the box.
7. Subnet Mask:
Enter the net mask of the local network in the box.
8. Gateway IP Address:
Enter the local network router's IP address in this box for
the accessibility of the users that are not connected to the local network.
Enter the IP Address of the Primary Domain
Name Server in the box.
Enter the IP Address of the Secondary
Domain Name Server in the box. It will be used when the Primary DNS Server can-
not be contacted.
11. Network Miscellaneous Setting:
lowing Network Miscellaneous settings as listed below:
Enter the port numbers the remote host and
the HTTP server are listening. If a number is not entered in the box, the default value
will be used.
Enter the port number the HTTP server is listening. If a number is not
entered in the box, the default value will be used.
Enter the port number the SSH server is listening. If a number is not
entered in the box, the default value will be used.
Enter the maximum bandwidth value for network interfacing.
The value should be in Kbits per second.
Click this box to enable SSH Access.
Check this box to disable the function of Setup Proto-
col for the SIMLP card.
Interface settings as listed below:
Click on the arrow on the right to activate the selec-
tion menu and select a desired speed. The options are: Auto-detect, 10 Mega bits
per second or 100 Mega bits per second. If Auto-detect is selected, LAN Interface
tected by the OS.
Click on the arrow on the right to activate the se-
lection menu to select a desired LAN Interface Duplex Mode. The options are: Auto-
detect, Half Duplex and Full Duplex. If Auto-detect is selected, the LAN Interface
detected by the OS.