Safety Information and Technical Specifi cations
Compile the driver module:
make install
The binary will be installed as:
/lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.[k]o
The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ for vari-
ous Linux distributions. For more information, go to ldistrib.htm.
Load the module using either the insmod or modprobe command:
modprobe e1000
insmod e1000
Note that for 2.6 kernels the insmod command can be used if the full path to
the driver module is specifi ed. For example:
insmod /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.ko
With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older e1000 drivers are removed
from the kernel, before loading the new module:
rmmod e1000; modprobe e1000
Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where <x> is
the interface number:
ifconfi g eth<x> <IP_address>
Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the
IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is
being tested:
ping <IP_address>