Chapter 4: AMIBIOS
Quick Boot
Select Enabled to allow theh AMI BIOS to skip certain test during POST in
order to shorten the time needed for the system to bootup. The options are
Enabled, and Disabled.
Quiet Boot
Set this value to allow the boot up screen options to be modified between
POST messages or OEM logo. The default setting is Enabled. Select Dis-
abled to allow the computer system to display the POST messages. Select
Enabled to allow the computer system to display the OEM logo.
Add-On ROM Display Mode
Set this option to display add-on ROM (read-only memory) messages. The
default setting is Force BIOS. Select "Force BIOS" to allow the computer
system to force a third party BIOS to display during system boot. Select
"Keep Current" to allow the computer system to display the BIOS informa-
tion during system boot. The options are Force BIOS and Keep Current.
Boot Settings
This item allows the user to configure the boot settings for the system.
The AMI BIOS will automatically display the following information:
CPU1 VCORE/CPU2 VCORE (*for 2U systems),3.3V Vcc(V), +5 Vin, 12V
Vcc(V), -12V Vcc (V), DRAM VTT, 1.2V Vcc, 2.5V for DIMM, 1.5V Standby
System Fan Control:
If Enabled, the AMI BIOS will automatically monitor and display the speeds
of Fan1 Speed to Fan6