H8DC8/H8DCi User's Manual
When enabled, the user needs to
write their own application software in or-
der to disable the Watch Dog timer.
Onboard Speaker Enable/
The JD1 header allows you to use
either an external speaker or the in-
ternal (onboard) speaker. To use the
internal onboard speaker, close pins
6 and 7 with a jumper. To use an
external speaker, remove the jumper
and connect the speaker wires to pins
4 (+5V) and 7 (control signal). See the
table on the right for settings and the
table associated with the Power LED/
Keylock/Speaker connection (previ-
ous section) for pin defi nitions.
Onboard Speaker Enable/Disable
Pin Defi nitions (JD1)
Pins Defi nition
6 and 7
Jump for onboard speaker
4 and 7
Attach external speaker wires
PCI-X Slot Speed
Jumpers JPX1B and JPX1A on the
H8DC8/H8DCi can be used to change
the speed of PCI-X slots 2 and 3 and
PCI-X slot 1, respectively. See the
tables on the right for jumper settings.
PCI-X Slot Speed Jumper Settings
Jumper Setting Defi nition
Pins 1-2
PCI-X 66 MHz
Pins 2-3
PCI 66 MHz
JPX1B controls the speed for PCI-X slots #2
and #3 and JPX1A controls the speed for PCI-X slot
#1. The default setting for both is Auto.
Pins 4-7 are used only for the on-
board speaker.
Watch Dog
JWD controls Watch Dog, a system
monitor that takes action when a soft-
ware application freezes the system.
Jumping pins 1-2 will cause WD to
reset the system if an application is
hung up. Jumping pins 2-3 will gen-
erate a non-maskable interrupt signal
for the application that is hung up.
See the table on the right for jumper
settings. Watch Dog can also be
enabled via BIOS.
Watch Dog
Jumper Settings (JWD)
Jumper Setting Defi nition
Pins 1-2
Pins 2-3