Chapter 4: BIOS
Commit Changes and Exit
Use this feature to commit to the changes you have made and exit from the system.
Discard Changes and Exit
Use this feature to discard the changes you have made and exit from the system.
Delete Certification
Use this feature to discard the changes you have made and exit from the system.
RAM Disk Configuration
Disk Memory Type
Use this feature to sepcify the type of memory use from the available memory pool in the
system to create a disk. The options are
Boot Service Data
and Reserved.
Create Raw
Use this feature to create a RAW RAM disk from all available memory in the system.
When you select this submenu, the following features will display:
Size (Hex)
: The default setting is
Create & Exit:
Create a new disk and exit the submenu.
Discard & Exit:
Discard changes and exit the submenu.
Create from File
Use this feature to create a RAM disk from a specified file.
Create RAM Disk List:
Remove Selected RAM Disk(s):
Use this feature to delete the RAM disk.