Installation & Operation Manual
O-360 and IO-360 Series Engines
© March 2004 Superior Air Parts Inc. Chapter 6 • Normal Operating Procedures
C. Cold Weather Starting - During extreme
cold weather, below freezing, it may be
necessary to preheat the engine and oil before
starting. Preheating normally takes 20 to 30
minutes to assure that all lines and all parts of
the engine are uniformly warmed. Warm air
should be forced up through the bottom of the
cowl to reach the oil filter, sump area and intake
manifold. Additional heated air should be
directed over the top of the engine to reach the
cylinders and cooler. Once an engine is
preheated, it can be started but should be run
for 5 to 10 minutes at idle settings, not to exceed
1,000 RPM. Verify oil pressure, which can take
up to 45 seconds to rise to the minimum of 20
psi. If a full minute goes by without reaching a
proper oil pressure setting, the engine should be
shut down and inspected.
D. Ground Run and Warm-Up - The engines
covered in this manual are air-cooled and
depend on the forward speed of the aircraft to
cool properly. It is recommended that the
following precautions be observed to prevent
Ground Running - Any ground check that
requires full throttle operation must be limited to
three minutes, or less, the cylinder head
temperatures should not exceed the maximum
CHT of 500°F.
Table 6-2 • Starting A Flooded Engine
1. Set mixture control to IDLE CUT OFF
2. Set throttle to ½ open.
3. Turn Magneto/start switch to START.
4. When engine starts, return the magneto/start
switch to BOTH. Retard the throttle and slowly
advance the mixture control to FULL RICH position.