Superior Signal Company LLC
User’s Manual
© 2015
The Sound Generator and the VPX-WR form a non-invasive leak detection system capable
of finding leaks in enclosures, such as tanks, vessels, automobiles, aircraft, buildings or
any other area that needs to be leak-free.
The SG-2 is an ultrasonic sound source of miniature size that is used to "pressurize"
rooms and enclosures with its sound. This sound is above the human hearing range, and
cannot be heard. It can penetrate through minute cracks, even ones that are not directly
behind the leak point, and exit through it. It can thus trace the path a gas, or a liquid, will
take to cause a leak.
The VPX-WR receives the ultrasonic sound that escapes from the leak point, processes it
and displays its strength. The bigger the leak is, the higher the volume in the headset.
To use the system, the sound generator must be turned ON. Simply push the ON button
on top once and the red LED will illuminate to indicate that it is ON. To turn it OFF, push
the same button again and the red LED will go off. Place the SG-2 in a tank, hatch,
aircraft, walk-in cooler etc, go to the other side and close the door or window or other
cover and search with the VPX-WR to find where you can hear sound, just like as if you are
searching for air leaks.
To prevent standing waves in a tank select the burst mode.
Be sure the area to be tested is dry as capillary tension in the water may block the
passage of sound.
To test an enclosure, turn the Sound Generator ON and place it inside. Seal the
enclosure, and turn the VPX-WR ON. Start from a low sensitivity and check if you can
hear any sound. If you can, check the area of interest and note the points where the
intensity is high. If you cannot hear any sound, increase the sensitivity and repeat the
previous step. Use Post-it-Notes to stick at points where you have located the sound
and write the perceived intensity or use different colors for different intensities. When
you finish, step back and observe the pattern of the notes. It will show you where
problems might be concentrated, like in the case of a warped door.
Thin tanks may resonate, creating a false leak signal on the surface. If this happens
put a small piece of open cell foam (like the type in the case) in the nose of the
generator to reduce its power.