1. Position the combustion matrix onto the burner tray as shown in
figure 5. The front edge of the matrix should sit snugly behind the
back edge of the burner rails as shown in figure 6. Do not fit the
matrix on top of the burner rails.
2. Position the front coal strip as shown in figure 7. The rear edge of
the front coal strip should fit in
front of the burner rail. Again, do
not place on top of the burner
rails. When the front coal is in
position bend up the three metal
tags at the front of the tray to
retain as shown in figure 8.
3. Coals. All of the coals are the same. Take five coals and place them
as shown in figure 9. Care should be taken to ensure that the coals
bridge the gap between the front coal and the four coal supports at
the front of the matrix. Care should also be taken not to push the
coals right down between the coal supports, as this can detract from
the flame picture when the appliance is running.
4. Take five more moulded coals and position as shown in figure 10
to form the ‘second row’ of the fuel effect. The coals may be rotated
as desired to fit into the gaps between the coal supports in order to
create a random, realistic effect. Again, remember not to push the
coals down too far into the valleys between the coal supports as this
can have a detrimental effect to the flame picture.
5. Take another four coals and place behind the second row of coals
as shown in figure 11, in order to complete the third row. The coals
may be orientated as desired to achieve a realistic effect. Keep the
spacing between the coals even and uniform. The two coals at the
ends of the row may be placed rearwards, towards the back corners
of the fuel matrix.
Figure 5
Figure 8
Figure 7
Figure 9
Figure 6
Figure 10
Figure 11
2011 Focal Point Fires plc.