Catalytic Combustor
This fireplace is equipped with a catalytic com-
bustor. Unburned by-products of the wood fire
are burned at lower temperatures as they pass
through the combustor resulting in less pollu-
tion, reduced creosote and higher efficiency. In
order to have the catalyst working, temperatures
of the flue gases entering the combustor have
to be higher than 400° F (200° C). That is why
the unit is equipped with a bypass damper
that allows the draft air to bypass the catalytic
combustor. Opening the bypass damper control
increases the draft allowing the unit to achieve
proper operating temperatures during a cold
start-up. It also provides more draft to prevent
smoke spillage when the door is opened.
Catalytic Bypass Gauge
To determine when to close the bypass, the unit
is equipped with a gauge
(see Figure 1)
. The
gauge is located behind the decorative facade
in the lower right corner. Once you can see
the gauge needle in the catalytic combustor
operating range, you may push to close the
bypass lever.
This appliance is designed to burn dry
seasoned natural wood only (see Page 9 for a
list of prohibited fuels). Failure to burn proper
fuels only will void the certification and the
warranty of the appliance.
Hardwoods are
preferred to softwoods since the energy content
of wood is relative to its density. Hardwoods
will result in a longer burning fire and less
frequent refueling.
A moisture content of 15% to 20% (seasoned)
is recommended. Wood that has been cut and
split and let to dry under a cover for a period
of one year will usually meet that criteria. The
required drying time will vary depending on the
climate. Wood that is packed tight together will
take longer to dry. Seasoned wood is darker in
color than wet wood and will have visible cracks
in the grain on the ends.
Excessively wet wood
will be difficult to burn and will result in lower
efficiency, increased creosoting and plugging
of the catalytic combustor. Excessively dry
wood will burn well but will also have higher
emissions and shorter burning time.
Overheating the unit above 1000° C (1800º F)
is harmful for the catalytic combustor, it can
damage the catalyst coating and can cause
cracking of the substrate. Looking through the
top front of the decorative facade, if the top of
the firebox is glowing, the unit is overheating.
Attempts to achieve heat output rates that
exceed heater design specifications can result
in permanent damage to the heater.
First Fires
Make sure the doors are properly adjusted,
thus avoiding color change to finish due to
The first five or six fires should be small fires
of short duration (about 30 to 60 minutes).
This will help cure the refractory bricks. During
the first few fires of this appliance there may
be some odor and smoke due to the curing of
the paint, dust accumulation and burning off of
lubricants used in the manufacturing process. It
may set off a smoke alarm located in the same
room. For this reason the room should be well
ventilated for the first few fires.
When the catalyst light-off conditions are
achieved, the combustor will keep on going
until it runs out of smoke. Note that the catalyst
does not need to be glowing to be working, it
can work very well at temperatures well below
the 538° C (1000° F) level at which it will begin
to glow. The best way to see if the catalyst is
active is to take a look at what is coming out
of the chimney. If the catalytic combustor is
working you will see some white water vapor
coming out, compared to a more brown/gray
smoke when the bypass is opened. Do not burn
any chemical chimney cleaner; it can make the
catalyst inactive.
Combustion Control
Primary Air
There is no flue damper in the fireplace. As is
common with air tight appliance, the combus-
tion air control sets the flow of air entering the
firebox. This allows for a more precise control
of the fire. The combustion air control is located
below the door on the left side. The main source
of air (primary air) entering the firebox can
be diminished by moving the air combustion
control from left to right. The primary air is
fully opened when the air control is completely
moved to the left.
This manual describes the installation and operation of the IHP model WCT6940WS catalytic
equipped wood heater. This heater meets the 2020 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s certified
to comply with 2020 particulate emission standards using crib wood. Under specific test conditions
this heater has been shown to deliver heat at rates ranging from 10,900 to 40,000 Btu/hr.
Primary Combustion
Air Control
Figure 1
This wood heater
has a manufacturer-
set minimum low
burn rate that must
not be altered. It is
against federal regu-
lations to alter this
setting or otherwise
operate this wood
heater in a manner
inconsistent with op-
erating instructions
in this manual.
Catalytic Bypass Gauge
Location - bottom right
behind facade grille
IHP – P/N 900525-00