4.0 Installation
4.5 Absorber Stand
The SF-902S absorber stand can be installed stand-alone, fixed in place, or used as a combined unit with
the engine cart.
1. Position the SF-902S absorber stand in a suitable location in the test cell leaving enough space at the
front of the stand for the engine cart, the rear of the stand for the exhaust system, and the sides for
access to the engine.
Secure the stand to the floor using the 3/8x3 floor anchors that are supplied or other suitable fasteners.
Not applicable for roll-around stands.
3. Slide the sump tank into place under the absorber (Figure 4.2). Position it so the servo valve and
absorber intake are above the respective compartments. Ensure the cross drain valve inside the tank
between the chambers is closed.
Figure 4.2 Dynamometer Stand Sump Tank
4. Place the absorber vent tube and throttle drain tube outlets in the outlet (or drain) side of the tank.
These are the two small, black nylon hoses with open ends. The throttle drain is near the right side
upright support, and the absorber vent is on the back side of the absorber. Make sure the tubes cannot
be submersed in water. Trim if necessary.
5. Install the servo valve (if not already done) and extension hose. The large opening on the valve faces
downward and the side with the two openings is against the absorber. Make sure the valve outlet is
positioned above the drain compartment so water cannot spill out of the tank. The extension hose must
not contact the sides of the tank.
Install the foot valve and filter assembly on the absorber inlet. Make sure the assembly is in the inside
(inlet) compartment and does not contact the sides of the tank.