Temperature recorder and printer
Delivery Ticket
last measurement report received in
the portal (date and time of reading are indicated below).
This report can also be printed in real time, directly on the
device. See "Printing on-Demand Reports
” at page
The measurements are sent to the portal according to the
sampling rate in the device, but not less than every 10
minutes. That is: even if the sampling rate in the device is
1 minute, only every 10 minutes will one record be read
on the portal.
- Displays a report of up to 300 records. Select with the arrows a report
according at preset time cut points, and click
Show Reports
for confirmation. The report can
also be printed directly on the machine, see "Printing on-Demand Reports
” at page
An example for the beginning of a report (descending in time). On the right are the buttons for