User manual
| SORA 2 Plus
| SORA 2 Plus
| page 14
Fast Descents
The following techniques should only be used in emergencies and require prior training. Appropriate analysis and anticipation of the conditions will
often prevent the need to use fast descent techniques. We advise you to practice in still air and preferably above water.
Big Ears
Pulling big ears increases the glider's sink rate. We do not recommend the use of big ears close to the ground. In order to pull in big ears, grab the
specific riser (outer A riser) while keeping the brakes in hand and lower it until the wintip collapses. It is preferable to collapse one side after the
other and not simultaneously in order to prevent a frontal collapse. To reopen big ears, release both risers symmetrically. You may apply brake on
one side and then the other to facilitate reopening.
IIt is possible to combine big ears with the use of trimmers in order to further increase the sink rate and speed. Once you have induced big ears as
described above, release trimmers fully. Reopen big ears first before pulling the trimmers down to return to normal flight.
Ear blocker
Ear blocker
A system for blocking big ears is
positioned on the rear riser. It will
allow you to lock big ears in and
continue to pilot the wing with the
To produce big ears, use the dedi-
cated line (A') and insert it direct-
ly into the blocker at the desired
You will need to adjust your flying,
as the wing has more inertia
when turning in this configura-
Make sure you anticipate the
reopening by liberating the line
early, in particular before landing.