In flight
Using the optional accelerator/Speed-Bar.
Once air borne, the harness behaviour is very instinctive and precise.
When used in PG ( Paragliding ) mode, adjust the chest strap based on the weather conditions you will be
flying in, and according to the wing manufacturer’s recommendations ( generally, the distance from the
middle of the right carabiner to the middle of the left carabiner has to be 38 to 45 cm)
We will recommend you to be cautious while using the accelerator due the increased potential of a collapse for
lowering the angle of attack after pushing on the bar. Consult the wing owner’s manual for more information.
Adopt a torso vertical posture in your harness with your legs extended downward, ready to run and dissipate the
horizontal speed.
Never attempt landing while still seating in your harness. It is dangerous!
In PPG ( Powered Paragliding ) mode, the stability is enabled via the spacing/width of the PPG frame itself. Ad-
justing the chest strap does not affect the wing’s behavior.