Overheat thermostat
No combustion
Waste hatch do not open
• Use the reverse-button to
reopen the lids. And ensure
the bags falls through to the
burning chamber.
• Open top of toilet; check the
thermostat in the electrical
unit and remove the ashes
or paper which are outside
the burning chamber.
Bad combustion
• Check all thermostats.
• Check waste tray, if the tray
is full, it may cause poor
combustion. See separate
point about bad combustion.
• Check that the socket is
plugged in, and that the fuse
on the back of the toilet is in
an “on” position.
• Many visits? Can cause the
combustion to become
poor. Press the start button
to start the combustion
once again.
• Fix the ventilation
• Change the catalyst-mass
• Contact service-place
• Waste bag is stuck or the
combustion chamber is not
completely closed due to
the stuck bag.
• Overheat thermostat or
defect element.
• The toilet does not get power.
• Too many users due to the
capacity of the toilet.
• The element could be broken.
This should be changed
every 5 year.
• Bad ventilation – check if
there is something blocking
the pipes.
• Catalyst mass can be dense
and should be replaced with
an interval of 1-2 years,
depending on use.
Possible cause