I. Disclaimer
SUNTOR is the registered trademark of SUNTOR ELECTRONICS CO., LIMITED. All product names and brands
in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Company. SUNTOR ELECTRONICS CO.,
LIMITED. reserves all copyrights of the product and the manual. All the information must not be copied or
reproduced in any form without permission of the Company. There may be semantic differences between
disclaimers of different languages. The Chinese version shall prevail in Chinese mainland, while the English
version shall prevail in other regions. Thank you for purchasing SUNTOR ST5/10/20NPT. Please use
ST5/10/20NPT according to local radio regulations. Before use, carefully read this disclaimer. Once the
product is used, all the contents of the disclaimer will be regarded recognized and accepted. Please install
and operate the product in strict accordance with the requirements of this manual. SUNTOR ELECTRONICS
CO., LIMITED and its affiliates will not assume any legal responsibility for results or losses caused by
improper use, installation, assembly and modification (including the use of non-specified SUNTOR parts
and accessories, such as the radio power amplifier, antenna and SMA extension cord).
Improper operation of ST5/10/20NPT may cause personal injury or damage to properties to some
extent. Pay attention to operation safety.
II. Interface
Remark: The TX and RX have same interface specifications, All references are given above.
1. Indicator
After connecting the interface according to the above diagram, turn on the power. When the device begin
to work, the signal lights flashing state is described as follows: