Sunstone Programmable
Thermostat (SS-PSTAT)
Easy Programming Guide
Step 1
Press the
button once and the hour will flash on the display.
Step 2
Set the hour by pressing the
arrow until the correct hour has been achieved. Hold
the arrow down to set the hour faster.
Step 3
Once you have selected the correct hour press
again and the minutes will now flash.
Step 4
Set the minute by pressing the or arrow until the correct minute has been achieved.
Hold the arrow down to set the minutes faster.
Step 5
Once you have selected the correct minutes press
again and the day of the week will
now flash. The days of the week are represented as numbers 1-7, 1-5 being Monday to
Friday and 6-7 being Saturday and Sunday.
Step 6
Set the day of the week by pressing the or arrow.
Step 7
Once you have selected the correct day of the week press OK to finish.
Step 1
To set the controller into a Permanent Manual Mode press and hold the
button for 3
seconds. A hand symbol will appear to indicate it is set into a manual mode.
Step 2
Set the target temperature by pressing the or arrow until you reach your target
temperature and press the OK button. The symbol indicates that the thermostat is
sending power to the heater.
If you would like to exit Permanent Manual mode and return to a programmed schedule
press the
Setting the controller into a Permanent Manual Mode will allow you to set a target temperature you want
the floor to achieve. Once the target temperature has been achieved it will maintain this temperature
until you either switch it off using the ON/OFF button below the screen or alter your target temperature.
Setting the Time & Day
Setting into a Permanent Manual Mode
(Indicates Permanent Manual Mode)