i Series
User Manual
Support Information
Displays contact information for Sunstone Support team
Weld Counters
Two weld counters are available . Press the respective “Reset Weld Count” buttons to return counter values to zero .
loCK oPtIons
The Orion i3 interface can be “Locked” to prevent changes being made to the settings and weld parameters .
Toggle Lock Mode
Press this button to lock the screen . A four-digit PIN code will need to be entered (or created if this is the first time locking
the interface) . If pin is forgotten, sunstone support can be called and help you clear the pin .
A Lock Icon will appear in the upper right corner of the screen . Pressing this icon will bring up the keypad to enter the pin for
unlocking .
Each interface screen will still be available for viewing, but no changes will be able to be made until it is unlocked . Weld Set-
tings can be loaded during a locked state .
Unlock Interface
To unlock the interface, press the lock button in the upper right corner of the interface or try to modify a value and enter the
pin from the pop-up dialog .
UPdatIng Welder softWare
Orion users are able to receive software and welder setting updates via email . As Orion engineers develop new soft-
ware with more efficient settings and/or features to help users have the very best welding experience, they will place
the update on the Orion website for users to download .
UPdate vIa sd Card:
1 . Download update ZIP file from website or email .
2 . Unzip file, which produces files called
“I3-2XX-UPDATE-vX .XX .XX .apk”
3 . Plug SD Card into computer then place the
files in the root directory of the SD Card . (Do not place the files into any subdirectory or folder on the SD Card and do
not rename the update file or the welder will not be able to perform the update .)
4 . While the welder is off, plug the SD Card into the SD Card Slot on the back of the screen .
5 . Turn the welder on .
6 . Go to the Settings screen, by pressing the icon on the top right of the screen .
7 . Press the update button .
8 . A few popups will show up indicating the progress of the update . Once the update process is complete and reaches
100%, the welder will need to be turned back on .