1. Waiting 2. Downloading 3. Uploading
11. Other Settings
Play mode (Play submenu)
You can choose different play mode ( repeat, shuffle) when playing
music or recorded files.
The first option on Play submenu is ‘Play mode’.
Normal, Repeat One, Folder, Repeat Folder, Repeat All,
Random, Intro.
Replay mode (Play submenu)
Enter from Play submenu:
A-B Repeat
1. When play music or recorder.
2. Push
to entry play submenu.
3. Push
scrolling into ‘Repeat Mode’ option.
4. Push
to enter:
Repeat Mode: ‘A’ of Symbol
flashes, waiting for starter A
5. Push
to select ‘A’:
‘B’ of symbol
flashes, waiting ender B.
6. Push NEXT to select B. Symbol
fixed and starting repeat
between A-B, while playing, you can push
to reset A point.
Replay times (Play submenu)
Please consult into ‘Replay mode’.
Replay time determines the times of play A-B repeat until exit.