Smart Machine Smart Decision
SIM7600NA_user manual _V1.00 38
SIM card circuit is susceptible, the interference may cause the SIM card failures or some other
situations, so it is strongly recommended to follow these guidelines while designing:
Make sure that the SIM card holder should be far away from the antenna while in PCB
SIM traces should keep away from RF lines, VBAT and high-speed signal lines.
The traces should be as short as possible.
Keep SIM holder’s GND connect to main ground directly.
Shielding the SIM card signal by ground.
Recommended to place a 0.1
1uF capacitor on USIM_VDD line and keep close to the
The rise/fall time of USIM_CLK should not be more than 40ns.
Add some TVS and the parasitic capacitance should not exceed 60pF.