Attitude/Attitude Hybrid Rev.3.0
Activating recuperation:
By activating the recuperation function you can recover energy
when travelling and store it in the battery. This is possible or
useful from a speed of 15 km/h. Activating recuperation and
adjusting is carried out using buttons [1] and [3] of the
•• One white bar element [10] means: 50 % energy recovery in
the battery (factory setting, configurable)
•• Two white bar elements mean: 100 % energy recovery in the
battery (factory setting,
Depending on the battery being used and the speed, at 100 %
energy recovery a maximum of 6A–8A is recovered.
If recuperation needs to be deactivated, this is also performed
using button [1] of the
During energy recovery “0 A” is displayed in field [12] and the
charging process [a] symbol in field [11]. If energy cannot be
recovered due to a battery that is already charged above 90 %,
recuperation levels cannot be selected (shown in the display by
symbol [b]). As soon as the battery is partially discharged,
recuperation can be switched on again (shown in the display
by symbol [a]).
Automatic recuperation (optional)
Depending on what features the manufacture has equipped the
Add-on bike with, automatic recuperation can also be activated
by pressing the rear wheel brake. By doing this, every braking
process automatically stores energy in the battery. To ensure
controlled and safe braking, recuperation during braking is set
at 40 % energy recovery.
Recuperation can only be activated at temperatures above 0
°C. If the temperature drops below 0 °C, recuperation is
automatically deactivated.
At speeds of less than 15 km/h the motor is not at its
optimum operating point, which is why recuperation cannot
be activated.
Activating recuperation is not possible with a fully charged
battery because this could otherwise be damaged as a
result of overcharging. Once at a battery capacity ≤ 90 %,
recuperation can be activated.