When the tops of batteries are exposed, take extra care when working on or
around the terminals.
Do not allow metal tools to drop on to or touch the exposed terminals of the
batteries or other exposed connections as this could cause a short circuit,
which may result in an explosion.
Remove personnel items of jewellery such as rings, watches, chains etc. be-
fore commencing work on batteries. If such items were to cause short circuit
whist being worn, very serious burns would result.
Batteries are constructed using very heavy materials, because of this it is
essential that correct lifting techniques be employed when moving batteries
around. It is also recommended that safety footwear be worn.
When disposing of old batteries, please ensure that correct disposal proce-
dures are followed. Contact your local authority for their recommendations.
Battery Chargers
Remember battery chargers are Mains Driven Units.
Always observe all guidelines and laws relating to mains-connected installa-
tions and equipment.
Never operate the battery charger in wet or damp conditions.
If you suspect that the charger has been exposed to water or excessive
damp, do not use it. Return the unit back to the dealer/supplier for inspection.
If the battery charger is suspected of being defective or is visibly damaged,
return the unit back to the dealer for inspection.
Safety Information