adjust the color temperature
and brightness
Learning (matching)
a . Do wiring according to connection diagram
b . Wake up the remote control by touching ON/OFF button.
c. Press learning button on receiv er.
d . Touch any zone button on remote control.
e . Then touch brightness wheel.
f. Connected LED light will blink to conf irm zone designation.
g . Press at learning button on receiv er ov er 5 seconds until LED light f lash, then delete the learned ID.
Note 1: To choose a master from slaves by jumper for each zone.
Short circuit for master.
Open circuit for slave.
Each zone only can set one master controller. After a period of time, the master will do synchronization
operation to keep the same color or mode of all slaves in one zone.
Note 2: Each remote control 4 zones (areas) receivers, each area can be learned as many receivers as we
Each receiver maximally can be controlled by 8 different remote controllers.
Dim wheel
Choose zone number
, f or example,
, then touch
, choose the brightness y ou
want, zone 1 and 3 will indicate correspondi ng brightness as we touched.
Brightness Up & Down Button
Long Press button
to dim down/up brightness, the dimming direction will change ev ery time af ter pressing
switch. For example, the f irst long press is brightness up, it will be dimmed down when long press again.
Brightness level button
Select zone f rom
. Press
, the correspondi ng zones will be 25% brightness. Press
the correspondin g zones will be 50% brightness. Press
, the correspondi ng zones will be 75%
brightness. Press
, the correspondi ng zones will be 100% brightness.
Warranty Agreement
1 ) We prov ide lif elong technical assistance with this product:
2-y ear warranty . We print date on ev ery products.The warranty is f or f ree repair or replacement and cov ers
manuf acturing f aults only .
For f aults bey ond the 2-y ear warranty we reserv e the right to charge f or time and parts.
2 ) Limited Warrenty
Any def ects caused by wrong operation.
Any damages caused by unauthorized remov al, maintenance, modif y ing, incorrect connection and
replacement of chips.
Any damages due to transportation, v ibration etc. af ter purchase.
Any damages caused by earthquake, f ire, lightning, pollution and abnormal v oltage.
Any damages caused by negligence, inappropriate storing at high temperatures and humidity or near harmf ul
Product has been updated
3 ) Repair or replacement as prov ided under this warranty is the exclusiv e remedy to the customer.
Save and recall button
a . Sav e Color temperature:
b . Recall: select zone button which we want recall f rom
then short press sav e button
Safety & Warnings
1 ) The product shall be installed and serv iced by a qualif ied person.
2 ) IP20.Please av oid the sun and rain. When installed outdoors, please ensure it is mounted in a water proof
3 ) Alway s be sure to mount this unit in an area with proper v entilation to av oid ov erheating.
4 ) Please check if the output v oltage of any LED power supplies used comply with the working v oltage of the
5 ) Nev er connect any cables while power is on and alway s assure correct connections to av oid short circuits
bef ore switching on.
6 )
Please ensure that the cable is secured tightly in the connector
7 ) For update inf ormation please consult y our supplier.
select zones f rom
LED lighting f lash twice
indicate sav e successful
long press one sav e button
f rom
f or 2-3 second