background image

6. The crate is now assembled and you’re ready to play!


1.  Stand up the crate ends so that the handles are on the bottom, 
  as illustrated in Figure A. 

2. Place a bottom (shorter) slat (C) onto the crate ends, lining up the 


3. Use a screwdriver (not included) to connect the slat on either side with 
  the provided screws.

4. Continue connecting the bottom slats until all five are attached.

5. Turn the crate onto its side. Then begin attaching the side (longer) slats (B), the same way as in steps 2–4 (Figure B). 
  Repeat for the other side (Figure C).

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C





Setting up the Game

1.  Turn the assembled crate upside-down to create the game table.

2. Create the tower by stacking the wooden blocks three (3) at a time, with each row facing 
  the opposite direction.

Playing the Game

1.  The player who built the tower gets the first turn. Play proceeds clockwise.

2. Take turns removing any of the blocks (except the top row) and placing them on the top of 
  the tower. Once a block has been successfully placed on the top of the tower, play proceeds 
  to the player on the left.

3. Be careful – if they tower falls over, it’s game over!

4. The last person to successfully stack a block before the tower topples is the winner.

5. The person to knock over the tower has the privilege and honor of rebuilding the tower for 



Be careful! Falling blocks can be dangerous to small children, pets, and bare feet and may result in bruised tails, toes, and egos. 

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Distributed by C&A Marketing, Inc.
114 Tived Lane East, Edison, NJ 08837 USA
[email protected]

Made in China

SUNNY & FUN is a trademark of C&A IP Holdings, LLC in the US.

© 2019. C&A IP Holdings, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Longer slat

Shorter slat

Longer slat

Shorter slat
