The SunFounder Mars adopts also the ATMEGA328P as the processor, the same Optiboot
bootloader as Uno. And it has 14 digital I/O pins and 6 analog inputs and is featured with a
32KB program storage and 16MHz crystal oscillator and so on.
Multiple features make it unique: beautiful red PCB, parallel yellow and red pins, and a
beautiful red appearance. In technology, it uses FTDI232R for USB-to-serial and adopts Type-C,
the only USB port so far that supports reversible plug orientation. All the I/O ports are made with
two pins (male and female) in a row, for free to use – you can just plug Dupont wires regardless
of M or F.
A 5V power switch is added to control the board power, which may be expected by mass
hobbyists – you can switch off the board when it’s not in use, so as to avoid frequent plugging.
In addition, a reset button is set at the board side for operational convenience. To save space,
the ATmega328P Microcontroller is packaged in patch.
Together with SunFounder Mars, the
can be a simulated keyboard which is almost