Stunt Flying www.sunfounder.com
The stunt flying with a quadcopter is advanced playing with the plane and requires very high skills. You are not recommended to try this
type before getting proficient in performing the basic operations. Under this flight mode, the aircraft flies extremely fast and each aspect
of flying becomes quite acute. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to safety issues in this occasion.
If you've flied much before, and are fairly skilled at flying and confident enough, you may try the stunt flight operations!
For stunt flying, you need to set the flight parameters in GUI. Adjust the RATE values as shown in the figure below. The higher you set
them, the more agile the quadcopter can be. The upper RATE value is to adjust the agility of the plane in the pitch and roll directions,
when the lower is to do that in yaw. Both values range from 0.00~1.00.
You may try to increase them slowly, get familiar with the changes in flying your quadcopter and eventually make them fit your flying
operations most. Kindly reminder again:
safely fly the quadcopter! Keep our safety use instructions in mind.