The installation shall conform to all federal, state
and local regulations, codes, ordinances and stan-
dards governing the installation of solar water heat-
ing systems. The contractor shall adhere to sound
building safety and trade practices. Special consid-
eration must be given to building code requirements
for roof loading and the penetration of structural
members and fire rated assemblies.
3.3 Shading Considerations:
The collectors must be located in an area of the roof
that will not be shaded for the majority of the day all
year round. Adjacent build¬ings and trees should
be checked for possible winter shading. The collec-
tor should not be shaded by any permanent obstacle
between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on any day of the
year. An instrument such as the Solar Pathfinder
can be used for solar site analysis.
3.4 Roof and Site Inspection:
Before the installation, the contractor shall inspect
the condition of the roof and notify the homeowner
of any existing roof damage or necessary repairs.
3.5 Structural Considerations:
The collectors must be located in a structurally
sound area of the roof. Penetrations into structural
members must not compromise the structural prop-
erties of the structural member.
The collector mounting method must be capable of
maintaining the required tilt and azimuth of the col-
lector under the expected dead loads, wind loads and
snow loads for the location.
3.6 Building Envelope:
Penetrations through the building envelope (includ-
ing roof, walls or floor penetrations) must not impair
the enclosure function and must meet applicable
codes and best practices.
Roof penetrations whether for structural mounts or
pipe penetrations must be sealed and leak proofed
as per applicable codes and National Roofing
Contractors Association practices.
Building penetrations must allow vermin intrusion.
3.7 Fire-Rated Assemblies:
Penetrations through fire-rated components must
not reduce the fire resistance of the assembly below
3.8 Building Materials:
Building materials adjacent to solar components
must not be exposed to elevated temperatures.
3.9 Confirmation of Installation Site:
The homeowner and contractor shall confirm the
location of all roof and ground mounted components
in advance of the installation.
3.10 Fluid Identity and Toxicity:
The Cascade Drainback system uses water as a heat
transfer fluid, this is heated in the collector and
indirectly heats the domestic hot water through the
integral heat exchanger in the solar tank. Use of
toxic heat transfer fluids is prohibited.
3.11 Maintenance and Servicing
When installing the system, make sure that all the
components all the components are accessible and
easy to reach. Provide for clear access to the storage
tank, pump, drainback reservoir, mixing valve and
other key components. If a component in the potable
water side of the system may require future service
or maintenance make the connections with brass
unions or other approved connections.
4.1 Collector Orientation
The performance of solar water heating systems in
the Northern Hemisphere is optimized when the col-
lector is mounted facing True South. Performance,
however, suffers very little when the collector is ori-
ented no more than 45° East or West of True South.
The collector should be unshaded by any permanent
obstacle between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on any
day of the year.
4.2 Collector Tilt
Optimal annual efficiency is achieved by tilting the
solar collector at an angle that equals your latitude
plus an additional 10°. This tilt angle favors the
lower winter sun when collector performance is at
its lowest and minimizes overheating during the hot-