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BOTTOM OF  SET:  Battery  compartment  for 9 volt battery (not included)

for temporary time 





1. Plug the AC line cord into  110v/60Hz AC home outlet.

2. The set is now working as an electronic clock and the display will flash to show you it

is not set correctly.


set the correct time, depress  the time set button and hour set button  simultaneously,


release the 

hour set button when the correct hour is 

reached. Now depress the  m i n u t e 



set button and time set button simultaneously, to set the readout to the correct  time


1. Slide the ON/OFF/AUTO Switch to “On” position.
2. Slide Band Switch to FM or 



3. Turn the Volume Control to desired volume.
4. Tur n  the Tuning Control to select your favorite station.

5. Antenna

For AM reception, this radio incorporates a highly sensitive ferrite core bar antenna.
For FM, this set is specially equipped with an FM antenna built right into the

power line cord.

Be sure to untwist the power cord to its fullest length for peak performance.



Having selected your station and set the volume at the desired level, proceed as follows:
1. Slide the ON/OFF/AUTO Switch to “Auto” position.

2. Press the Alarm Set Button and while this button is depressed, press the Hour Button

and then the Minute Button until the desired wake up time is reached. The wake up time

is now entered into memory. To check the wake-up time simply press the Alarm Set

Button and the clock will show the pre-set time. The preset wake up time will continue

to be registered in memory and the radio will switch on by itself at the same time the

next day.

To switch the radio off simply press the Alarm Off Button.

3. To permanently turn the 


off, slide the ON/OFF/AUTO switch to the “OFF” position.


WAKE TO   B          U          Z          Z        E       R

Set the controls as for “Wake to Radio” but switch volume to Buzzer position. Buzzer



can then be switched off by pressing the Alarm Off Button or it can be converted to the
radio by selecting switch to the “ON” position.
