M i x i n g a n d K n e a d i n g
In standard bread baking, the baker mixes the ingredients
first by stirring, then by kneading the dough by hand.
The Oster
Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker mixes and
kneads the dough automatically for you.
R i s i n g
When making bread by hand, the dough is placed in a warm
place to rise after mixing so that the yeast can ferment and
produce gas. After mixing the dough, the Oster
Deluxe Bread
and Dough Maker maintains the optimum temperature for
rising during this part of the process.
If you are using the Dough Only cycle, the Oster
Deluxe Bread
and Dough Maker will stop at the end of the first rising.
You will hear a series of 3 beeps to let you know it’s done.
The dough can now be removed and shaped - for bagels, pizza
or other creations - and placed in your own oven for baking.
P u n c h D o w n
Once the dough has risen, the baker will typically “punch
down” the dough. This process helps to break apart large,
unwanted pockets of air and gas that have developed through
rising, giving the bread a more even and appetizing texture.
This Oster
Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker handles this
process automatically for you by turning on the kneading
blade for just the right amount of time.