Using This Documentation
This document provides specifications and site requirements for planning the
installation of the Sun Server X3-2L.
Note –
The Sun Server X3-2L was formerly named the Sun Fire X4270 M3 server.
This former name might still appear in the software. The new product name does not
indicate any change in system features or functionality.
This document is written for technicians, system administrators, authorized service
providers, and users who have an understanding of server systems
This section describes product information, documentation and feedback, and
support and accessibility information.
“About This Documentation” on page v
“Related Documentation” on page vi
“Support and Accessibility” on page vi
About This Documentation
This documentation set is available in both PDF and HTML formats. The information
is presented in topic-based organization (similar to online help) and therefore does
not include chapters, appendices, or section numbering.
A PDF version that includes all information on a particular subject (such as hardware
installation or product notes) can be generated by clicking the PDF button in the
upper left corner of the HTML page.