Software Configurations
The SPARCstorage Volume Manager software can be configured for different
levels of RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks.
RAID is defined as a disk array in which part of the storage capacity is used to
hold redundant information about user data that is stored on the remainder of
the disk space capacity. The redundant information enables the user data to be
regenerated if one of the array’s member disks or the access path to it fails.
Following are the data layouts offered by the SPARCstorage Volume Manager
storage management software:
Independent disks
RAID Level 0 (also known as striping)
RAID Level 1 (also known as mirroring)
RAID Level 0 + 1 (also known as mirroring striped disks)
RAID Level 5
Note that the SPARCstorage Volume Manager storage management software
allows all these data layouts to be mixed at the same time within the same
array, with no restrictions on how the layouts are mixed and matched. These
data layouts may be spread across multiple SPARCstorage Arrays. This
flexibility allows you to configure your SPARCstorage Arrays to meet your
specific requirements.
These data layouts are explained in greater detail in the following sections.