Serial Parallel Controller User’s Guide—February 1993
Normal AT command set: ON. This enables you to break the phone
connection by typing three plus (+) signs.
3. Plug the male end of the modem cable into the serial port of your modem.
For information about modem cables, see Appendix C.
4. Connect the other end of the modem cable to one of the eight serial ports
on the patch panel.
Figure 5-2
Connecting a Modem
5. Plug the power cord of the modem into an AC outlet, and turn the power
switch to the On position.
6. Define the modem to your system.
After connecting and powering up the modem, you must inform your
system about the new device. The device driver needs to know where to
send the data that travels over the telephone lines.
To do so, add an entry for the new modem to the
file. This
file contains an entry for each system with which you wish to communicate
using your modem.
You must also edit several other files which define the modem to your system.
To edit these files, you must be superuser.
Patch panel
Serial port
96-pin cable
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