SFC-102 Installation & Operator’s Manual
Silence Inhibit and Walk Test Programming - Section 3 (‘Battery’ LED on steady)
Signal Silence Inhibit Timer
If the Signal Silence Inhibit Timer is enabled, when the first alarm is
activated, the panel will begin a 60 second countdown. During this 60
seconds, users will not be able to turn off the NACs by pressing the Silence
Alarm button. The timer is started on the first alarm only and is not restarted
on subsequent alarms.
If the Signal Silence Inhibit Timer is disabled, users will be able to turn off the
NACs at any time, by pressing the Silence Alarm button.
If NAC2 is set as a strobe, users will never be able to turn off NAC2 using the
Silence Alarm button. See “NAC2 Strobe” on page 28.
Audible Walk Test
You can set the One Man Walk Test to be either audible or silent. If the One
Man Walk Test is set for audible, then the following will occur:
On a fire or Supervisory alarm/restoral the bells will pulse ONCE
On a zone or system trouble/restoral, except ground fault, the bells will
pulse TWICE
On any ground fault/restoral the bells will pulse THREE times.
If the One Man Walk Test is set for silent, the bells will not sound during the
walk test.
Waterflow Programming - Section 4 (‘Ground Fault’ LED on steady)
Silence Waterflow Alarms
If the Silence Waterflow Alarms option is turned on, Waterflow zones can be
silenced whether the zones are physically restored or not.
If the Silence Waterflow Alarms option is turned off, Waterflow zones cannot
be silenced until they are physically restored. This applies to both automatic
signal silence, and the Silence Alarm button. If there is a trouble on a
Waterflow zone following the alarm and alarm restore, the zone can be