Coal Bur
ning Instructions
The flue draft must be -.05” W
.C. to allow combustion
gases to flow freely out the chimney. Turn the solid fuel
thermostat up to a setting well above the room tempera-
ture to open draft flap. Use paper and dry kindling to
start the fire.
Add small compact pieces of hardwood when the kin-
dling is burning hot. The ash door may be opened for
start-up. However, close the ash door before opening the
fire door to prevent smoke from emitting out the fire door
When a substantial bed of red coals is built up, start
adding coal, small amounts at a time. Continue adding
small amounts of coal until there is a solid bed of burning
coal. Do not add too much at one time. Allow sufficient
time between each small loading (at least 10 to 15 min-
utes) so that each loading has time to thoroughly ignite
before the next load is put in. For maximum burning effi-
ciency, always fill the furnace to the highest level possi-
ble. A deep bed of coal always will burn more satisfacto-
rily than a shallow bed.
Now turn the thermostat to the desired room temperature
setting. If the ash door has been opened, close it to pre-
vent overfiring, which can severely damage the furnace.
Coal should be added to the fir
e at least every twelve
hours. Coal never should be added unless there is a rea-
sonably hot fire.
If the fire is burning hot and there is a deep bed of coals,
full loads of coal can be added at any time. However, if
there is not a deep bed of coals, it is best to add small
amounts of coal at first.
Shaking should be done only with a hot fir
Shaking should be done a least once a day, but not more
than twice a day.
Best results from shaking will occur if short “choppy”
strokes are used rather than long even strokes.
The amount of shaking is critical. Too little or too much
can extinguish a fire due to blocked air flow. The proper
amount normally occurs when red coals first start to drop
through onto the bed of ashes. Be sure that a small
amount of ash is left on the grates to protect them from
direct heat of the burning coal.
n Soft Coal:
Due to the “coking” tendencies of Easter
n Canadian Soft
Coal, these coal burning instructions must be followed
exactly; and coal must not be built up above the door sill;
ash deposits must be kept off grates and the ash in the
ash pan must be allowed to build up under the grates.
Failure to adhere to these instructions will void warranty.
What to do when your oil fur
nace fails to start
1. Raise your thermostat to 5
°C (10°F) above the present
room temperature.
2. Make sure your burner switch is in “on” position.
3. Check the fuse box for blown fuses. Replace with
fuses of correct amperage.
4. Press the reset button on relay box, once only. Box is
located on burner.
5. If you hear a hum from the burner, and the motor has
not started, press the button on the oil burner motor.
If oil burner fails to start or runs only for a few seconds,
call a reputable serviceman.
Never start oil bur
ner under the following conditions:
1. If excess oil has accumulated in the combustion
2. If furnace is full of vapour
3. If combustion chamber is very hot.
4. Do not throw lighted paper into combustion chamber
when motor is running but oil is not burning.
ocedure for checking the proper function of
the limit safety control
This pr
ocedure is CSA requirement and must be carried
out by service man:
1. Once each heating season.
2. After an extreme wood fire.
3. After the unit has been used in gravity conditions
(without electrical power).
The objective of this procedure is to temporarily over
heat the furnace to prove the limit control is operational.
a) Fire the furnace with oil. Wait until the circulating air
blower is running. Move drapes or furniture that may
be damages by heat away from the warm air registers.
b) Adjust the oil thermostat to its highest setting in order
to keep the burner operating.