A2.1 Upper Manifold Removal (Heatless)
Remove nylon pipes from end plate,remove bolts from end plate connected to side plates, disconnect
QRV solenoid coil, remove shroud as detailed in section A6, remove outlet housing as detailed in
section A5. Slacken and remove bolts in the reverse order of torque sequences shown. Screw in M12
location studs. Lift manifold off using eye bolts provided.
A2.2 Quick Re-pressurisation Valve Removal (Heatless)
The QRV can be removed without removing the end plate, by removing the four retaining bolts.
Disconect QRV soleniod coil.To service the valve, remove the end cap and withdraw the piston, clean
piston and refit. (Lubrication is not recomended).
A2.3 Purge Plate Removal (Where Applicable)
Remove outlet housing as shown in Section A5. This will give access to 2 Hex. head screws securing
the purge plate, slacken and remove. The purge plug ‘O‘ ring can be changed by pressing the brass
purge plug clear from the purge plate.
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