Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
A .
W ater connections are m ade at the rear of the w ater heater. R efer to Figure
4. C onnect the hot and cold water lines to the 1/2" fem ale pipe fitting provided on
rear of tank . T hese fittings are m ark ed “H O T ” and “C O LD ”. N O T E : Inside each
fittin g is a p lastic fill tube. Its purpose is to enhance water circu lation.
IM P O R T A N T : U se a p ipe thread com pound suitable for potable water or pipe
th re ad ta pe o n all co nn ectio ns to a ssu re th ey w ill no t le ak .
B .
For ease of rem oval, it is suggested that a pipe union be installed in each water
C .
Fill tank with water. O pe n both hot and cold water faucets to expel air from
tank. W hen tank is filled and water flows from faucets, close both faucets and
check all connections for leak s.
C AU TIO N : If you use air pressure to check for leaks, the pressure m ust not
exceed 30 P S I (in accordance w ith 4-9.1.1 of AN S I A119.2).
N O T E : A fte r le ak te stin g, dra in w ate r fro m ta nk .
A .
C onnect a 3/8" gas supply line to the 3/8 flare fitting at gas valve located in the
control housing. W hen m aking the gas connection, hold the gas fitting on the
valve with a wrench when tightening the flare nut. Failure to h o ld fitting secure
could result in a gas leak d ue to fitting b eing d am aged. N O T E : It w ill be necessary
to rem ove the grom m et from the control housing, m ake the gas connection at the
valve, then reinstall grom m et.
W AR N IN G ! It is im perative that gro m m et and gas line through grom m et
be caulked air tight. If not tightly sealed, m oisture and potential harm ful
flu e produ cts cou ld vent throu gh opening and into living area of trailer.
(S ee Figure 5.)
B .
T urn on gas and check all fittings and connections for leaks, using a soap and
w ater solution. C orre ct even the slightest leak im m ediately.
W AR N IN G ! D o not use an open flam e to check for leaks!
W AR N IN G ! If the user of this appliance fails to m aintain it in the condition
in w hich it w as shipped from the factory or if the appliance is not used
solely for its intended purpose or if ap p liance is not m aintained in
acco rdanc e w ith the instruction s in this m anu a l, th en the risk of a fire
and/or the production of carbon m onoxide exists w hich can cause
personal injury, property dam age or loss of life.
A lways verify proper operation after servicing.
W AR N IN G ! For your safety, all repairs should be perform ed by your dealer
or a qualified service person.
A .
M ain B urner - D o not allow the burner to burn w ith a yellow flam e, be cause
sooting will occur. (S ee safety warnings.) If the burner flam e is yellow and has an
erratic pattern, shut unit down and contact a qualified service agency. D o not
continue operating unit with im proper burner flam e. S ee Figure 6 for correct and
incorrect burner flam e appearance.
B .
P ilot Flam e - T he pilot flam e should engulf the tip of the therm ocouple as
illustrated in Figure 7. C orrect as needed.
C .
P eriodically inspect unit for soot. If soot is p resent anywhere on water heater,
im m ediately shut furnace dow n and conta c t your dealer or a qualified service
person. Soot is a sign o f in com plete com bustion and m ust be corrected before
operating water heater. Areas to check would include:
C heck for an ob struction in bu rne r or the flue bo x.
C heck the screen in the door to s ee that no foreign m aterial has
accum ulated to prevent flow of co m bustion and ventilating air.
C heck to be sure there no flam e present at burner orifice or burner
whenever m ain gas valve is closed. This can be checked by turning the
tem perature dial on the valve all the way to the left (counter clock w ise).
C heck air shutter for proper adjustm ent.
D .
Frequent ch eck s should be m ade of th e g rom m et on the gas inlet to assure
tight se al. S ee “M ak ing G as C onnections”.
S uburban’s water heaters are certified by nationally recognized testing
laboratories for o p e ration without m odifications at altitudes up to 4,500 feet.
O peration above this elevation m ay require derating by 4 percent for every 1,000
feet above sea level. As an exam ple, at 8,000 feet, the w ater heater should be
derated approxim ately 32 percent.
If the unit is not properly derated, lack of sufficient oxygen for com bustion m ay
produce im proper burner operation. P ilot outage caused by burner lift-off or
sooting from a yellow b urner m ay occur indicating the possibility of carbon
m onoxide. You m ay also notice a lack of efficiency in heating the w ater because
of incom plete com bustion of the burner at these higher altitudes.
C onsult with the local gas com pany, your dealer, an R V service agency or
S uburban Manufacturing C om pany for proper derating of the unit. C hange-out of
the orifice (derating) should be d one b y th e d ealer or a q ualified service agency.
N O T E : It is im portant that once the unit has returned to lower elevation (below
4,500 feet) this high altitude deration and pilot adjustm ents (if equipped) be
reversed for proper operation of the unit.
Figure 7
Summary of Contents for SW4P
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