11. Place one particleboard
shelf (Ref. D) in each of
the five levels you have
created, slanting each
shelf slightly as you are
placing it to allow it to
fit between the uprights
and shelf supports. Make sure
each shelf is seated between the
edges on all four shelf supports, and
that the shelf is laying flat. Your Stur-D-Stor
Shelving System is now ready for use.
6. Repeat step 5 halfway
up the post as shown
8. Place another upright post
on the opposite side of
the one you just mounted.
Using the other side of the
same shelf support,
attach in the same way
described in step 7.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 on the
opposite end of the unit. Then,
attach the two ends by placing
two 36" shelf supports across the
width of the unit. Be sure to
mount as previously described.
10. Continue placing
shelf levels, one
level halfway
between the
center shelf and
the top, and one
level using the
top two keyhole
slots. Make sure
all shelf supports
are mounted with
flat side facing up.
7. Mount another upright post (Ref. A) to the top
of one of the other uprights and attach with
an 18" shelf support, mounting the bottom
rivet of the shelf support in the bottom upright
post, and the top rivet in the new upright post,
as shown in the exploded view above.
NOTE: Be sure that the narrow end of
the keyhole slots of the new post are
pointing downward, and that the flat
side of the shelf support is facing
upward, as mentioned in previous steps.