Model 68A/69A User Guide
Issue 2, January 2005
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 5
for Surround
Simply stated: I had a blast working on the StudioComm for Surround components! It was
very rewarding to develop a set of products for a market that’s actually receptive to new
ideas and supportive of innovation.
A big thanks to Jeff Levison of DTS. He patiently answered my questions over a period
of many months, helping to guide me in the right direction. Additional thanks to a couple
of smart audio dudes. Thierry Jeandroz of LTRT in Paris encouraged me to add several
features to improve our audio-post support. Rob James, formerly of the BBC and now
a consultant and writer, suggested how the operator interface could be improved. The
software now re
ects the sage advice of these gentlemen. Mike “Mr. Surround” Sokol sug-
gested the exclusive solo mode as well as presenting a convincing case for adding down-
mix capability.
Mitch Budniak designed much of the hardware and kept us out of “digital trouble.” Carrie
Loving provided engineering support and designed the product graphics. Larry Leviton and
Paul Berland wrote the software that makes the hardware “come to life.” Fred Roeck per-
formed the mechanical design. Al “PCB PRO” Lux designed the...you guessed it! Joe Ur-
banczyk coordinated the safety testing and created the automated test routes for our Audio
Precision System Ones.
Our plans are to continue with other StudioComm for Surround components. To help keep
us going in the right direction, your praise, comments, or complaints are encouraged.
Please contact me via E-mail at [email protected].
Gordon K. Kapes