Left-Right Timing Measurement and Adjustment.
If you’ve eliminated every possible cause of dropped stitches, you’ve changed the needle,
you’ve made sure the needle is inserted and threaded correctly, that you’re using the correct
needle and thread and that the cap spring doesn’t have any burrs, then it’s worth checking the
left-right and rotational timing.
The shuttle timing rarely moves, so it’s unlikely the timing will need to be re-set. Cotton jams
and broken needles are the most common cause of shuttle timing issues. A few simple
measurements will check the left-right and rotational timing.
First, set the machine to straight stitch, with the needle in the centre position. Turn the machine
on its back. Remove the bobbin retaining ring and bobbin case. Now hold the hook in place
while turning the balance wheel.
Using a flashlight, (a head mounted one is best) look at the hook as it sweeps past the needle.
The hook should sweep past the needle on its right side (behind) without touching the needle.
If the hook is too far away or on the wrong (left or in front) side of the needle, the hook will not
be able to pick up the thread to make a stitch. You will need to adjust the shuttle to move the
hook closer to the needle.
To adjust the left-right timing, turn the machine upside down and make a mark using a Sharpie
or similar pen between the shuttle shaft and the bearing surface. That way, if the shuttle rotates
as you move it in and out, you can easily re-align it.
Then loosen the screw on the compressible clamp, which will free the shuttle. Small
movements of the shuttle will move it left and right. Move the shuttle until the hook just brushes
past the needle without touching. Then tighten up the clamp, ensuring the alignment mark you
made with the pen still lines up.