11236 Satellite Blvd. Orlando, FL 32837 Tel.: (407) 859-9317 Fax: (407) 850-6978 www.strongparachutes.com
Strong Enterprises Owner’s Manual. TNT System -
Rev. A 1/16
2.0 Introduction
The following information is provided as a general guideline and is not intended to be used as a
Tandem Instructor Certification Course. All Tandem jumps made on the TNT System must be
completed in accordance to FAA FARs (or foreign equivalent), this operation manual, and the
Strong Enterprises Training Syllabus for the Tandem Instructor Certification Course (TICC). Any
violation of these procedures will cause revocation of privileges.
2.1 System Function
2.1.1 Main Deployment
After exiting the aircraft the tandem pair will arch and get into a stable belly to earth position.
The Instructor (or student during training) will then reach to the bottom of the main container and
locate the drogue pud. They will then grab the drogue and toss the extracted drogue into the wind
stream, thus setting the drogue.
When the Tandem pair reaches the deployment altitude the Instructor or Student will wave off
and clear the air above them. They will then Look-Reach-Grasp one of the two main drogue release
ripcord handles and pull releasing the drogue 3-ring. As the drogue 3-ring is released the drogue
bridle is extracted. As bridle reaches full extension, it lifts the ALS bag out of container and line
stows are released one by one, continuing extraction process. At full line extension the main
canopy will be extracted from the ALS bag and released into wind stream. Each of the nine cells of
the main canopy begin to inflate from center out in a staged inflation.
The drogue MUST be deployed before activating the main canopy!
2.1.2 Reserve Deployment
This section is not intended to be a course in dealing with skydiving emergencies. It
is simply a general description of how the Strong Enterprises TNT System emergency
parachute is deployed.
When a situation occurs where the main parachute is not functioning properly, it may be necessary
to activate the reserve parachute. To do this the parachutist will pull the main cutaway handle
located on parachutist’s right main lift web to full arm extension. Followed immediately by the
reserve ripcord located on the parachutists left main lift web, pulling it to full arm extension.
Pulling the cutaway handle will cause the three ring system on the main risers to release allowing
main parachute to detach from the harness. Pulling the reserve ripcord removes the straight pin
holding reserve parachute container closed and allows the reserve spring loaded pilot chute to
launch from the container.