First we need to assemble the headboards.
We will start by building the left headboard.
You will need the following parts:
BL - Back left Corner Post
4C - Red Top Headboard Facia
4B - White Middle Headboard facia
4D - Blue Bottom Headboard facia
MR - Middle Right Corner Post
4E - Hortizontal bottom headboard Facia
Using the picture above now position these parts flat on the room floor. All corner
posts will have a WHITE CHALK MARKING. It is VERY IMPORTANT these markings
are at the top and FACING YOU. These indicate the location of the holes. If these are
incorrect the holes will not line up.
Position corner post BR to the right hand side then corner post MR to the right side.
Now attach each headboard facia insert starting with Red at the top, White middle and
Blue bottom. Use the fixings described on page five.
Lets Build the right hand side headboard
We now need to attach the bottom
headboard facia 4E. You will note this
has a dowel hole on the top, please
locate a wooden dowel. This now
connects to the bottom of corner post
Once attached use the small bracket
(N) to attach to part 4E so cannot be
Now connect to the front corner post
FR as shown using a dowel and bolt
D. The headboard is now complete.